

Protection for yourself and your home

Taking precautions against heavy rain events is becoming more and more important and is an elementary component of social resilience. The existing heavy rain and flood protection measures of the public sector must be connected to comprehensive and adapted personal precaution measures of the citizens. The floodlabel is an innovative and useful instrument for this. It was developed by the Flood Competence Center in Cologne (HKC e.V.). Homeowners all over Germany can use it to get a detailed picture of their individual risk of flooding.

Free and convenient

You can use an online questionnaire to assess the current state of your house conveniently and free of charge. You will then receive a brief evaluation for your property.

Click here to start your properties flood protection now!

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Custom-made and individual

You will receive an extended and detailed evaluation of your property from our expert, who will advise you on site and then issue you the floodlabel. This gives you a well-founded risk assessment for your house, which also provides insurance companies with an objective basis for an adequate insurance coverage. In addition, you will receive numerous advices on how you can protect yourself in the event of flooding and how you can reduce the risk of flooding and heavy rain on your property by taking precautionary measures.

Let the heavy rain specialists from Lübeck advise you here:

Call us: 0451 – 702 73 34 or send us an Email: s.luers(at)hydrometeo.de!

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hydro & meteo has already dealt in numerous projects with climate adaptation measures at the municipal and regional level as well as with concrete heavy rain precautionary measures for citizens.

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In our project i2 (2018-2020), which is funded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature and Nuclear Safety, you will find not only the provision of sink and flow paths, risk and climate function maps and a small-scale heavy rain warning system for the Lübeck fire brigade, but also checklists for individual risk and Risk assessment of the location and property as well as concrete remedial measures against the effects of heavy rain.