Logo WaterSENSE

The world faces a rapid and unprecedented change in water availability during the current century1. The past few decades have shown that current climate change is resulting in more frequent extreme weather, with excessive floods and droughts2 and, more importantly, shifts of climate zones. These, in turn, are leading to historically favourable locations for agriculture sometimes being transformed into devastatingly dry areas.

Meanwhile, global population increase is resulting in vulnerable water resources becoming depleted in many locations.

WaterSENSE will provide water-availability and mapping services for any place in the world at different time and space resolutions, based on integrated Copernicus data, hydrological models; and local data.

WaterSENSE will deliver essential value-added services of monitoring compliance of local water use against water rights and regulations: water auditing. The first application is in the multi-climate Murray-Darling Basin in Australia, followed by validation in South Africa and the Netherlands.

Copernicus- und In-situ-Daten, die auf DIAS-Computerdiensten verarbeitet werden, bieten wesentliche Informationen zur Wasserverfügbarkeit für eine optimale Wasserverteilung und Compliance-Überwachung durch Interessengruppen des Wassermanagements.

International Consortium Partners

The WaterSENSE consortium consists of 7 partners:
HydroLogic Research (Netherlands), eleaf (Netherlands), Water Technology (Australia), HCP International (Netherlands), The University of Sydney (Australia), HIDROMOD (Portugal) und hydro & meteo GmbH (Germany)

Logo HydroLogic Research Delft
eleaf Logo
Logo Water Technology
Logo HCP International
Logo University of Sydney

Workpackage hydro & meteo

The main focus of hydro & meteo is on innovative solutions for the interface between hydrology and meteorology, addressing specifically the water industry and other weather-related economic sectors. In workpackage two, hydro & meteo is developing algorithms to quantify the water availibility and in a second task, the water use. The third step will be to research and develop methods to calibrate and validate these algorithms and the WaterSENSE system as a whole.

An H2020 – EU – project

This project has received funding from the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 870344.
It has a term of four years (01/2020 – 12/2023).