Analysis of weather radar data

For hydrological applications, spatially and temporally high-resolution rainfall information is indispensable. Due to sparse rain gauge measurement networks, requirements just can be fulfilled partially, so that the use of weather radar data provides more possibilities.

For the analysis of weather radar data, hydro & meteo proceeds as follows:

  • correction and processing of radar data for historical time periods and for real-time applications (using the SCOUT software)

  • adjustment of radar data using rain gauge measurement data (with the SCOUT software)

  • preparation of weather radar time series, for example for hydrological modeling

  • analysis of heavy rainfall and occurrence of damage (expertise)

  • development and operation of warning systems (warning system)

  • development of specialized software for focused applications (software)

  • HydroNET web-based rainfall portal

  • workshops and training courses (training courses)

SCV2 Rostock ohne Korrektur. Kumuliertes Bild des DX-Produktes am Beispiel des Radar Rostock
SCV2 Rostock ohne Korrektur. Ergebnis nach Anwendung verschiedener Korrekturen
SCV2 Komposit Nordrhein-Westfalen. Komposit für Nordrhein-Westfalen aus den Radarstandorten Essen, Neuheilenbach, Flechtdorf und Hannover